Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Break

So I took a long break from this blog.  I didn't go public.  I got bogged down and tired (or exhausted) and truly started to freak out about what homeschooling demands will look like.  Well, God gave me a fluke break from work (8 day stretch of no shifts) and placed people and truths in my life to direct me in the way He wants me to go.  I have been trying to do too much....when right now, less is more! I have been spending many fun filled, relaxing days with my children and have been seeing where my lack of focus on their character has been playing out.....temper tantrums, etc.
With some new direction, a breath of fresh air, and letting go of my high demands on myself, we've decided to start K in kindergarten this fall.  She'll be 5 in October, so if things don't go as planned, she could always repeat it next year. 
I believe I have found a curriculum that will work well for my needs and my childrens'. 
Now, aside from homeschooling.....
'I' is now 6 months and practically sitting on his own!  He is growing so fast!  M is a little spit fire who asks many questions and talks all day long!  She has her own funny sense of humor and cracks herself up....which cracks us up!  K challenges us daily with her own thoughts and feelings.  She is becoming a little woman already...and she's only  4 &1/2!  We have to be so careful in growing her character!  She can see hypocrisy in our actions.  For example:
Me- I think you girls need to be watching less TV during the day.
K- but you and daddy watch a lot of TV at night, are you going to stop watching TV?
Wow! Ouch!  How do you answer that one?  She wasn't answering with attitude, but just stating the fact. 
And on one more note....
We'll be going to Disney Land next week for the first time with the kids!  This should be fun...and I'm trying to stay as stress free as possible.  Is that possible?

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